I am curious as you perhaps already know and therefore I would be so happy to get some answers on this topic;-)
Where do you get your books? Do you buy all of them? If yes, where? In a bookshop, online or on a flea market?
Do you buy them first or second hand?
Or do you go to a library? or exchange them with friends perhaps?
I know, these are a lot of questions;-)
Personally I love to buy books but as I do not have any shelves empty, I decided not to buy new ones as long as I have not read all the unread ones in my apartment. This is quite difficult because this mean I can not enter in a bookshop for the next months...If I enter one, I will never go out without at least one book;-)
Therefore I am going now to the public library which is directly in my street and which offers so many books and also the new ones. Because of course when I hear something about a new book, I would like to get it immediately. But till now I waited till the book appears in a pocket edition. Now I do not need to wait any longer which is very good for such an impatient person like me;-) I go to the library and take the book!
When I buy a new book (which will not be the case the next months!) and do not like it, I sell it either in ebay or in amazon. Or here in Germany we have nice websites where you can exchange your books with other users. This enables me to make some space on my shelves and to get new books;-)
So now you know where I get my books, I would be happy to know how it is on your side!:-)
Thanks in advance!
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